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Alien Abducted (Lorvri Mates: Book 1)



“Females of Aflaria, known in your tongue as Earth, you have been liberated from your home world and will find new homes with the males of Lorvri. Attempting to escape will result in punishment. Attacking your guardians will also result in punishment. Multiple attempts will result in the forfeiting of your compatibility to the Lorvri and immediate termination.”

It was these words that would strip me of my old life and throw me into a whole new one. Abducted from home and now galaxies away, I’m chosen to be a partner for some bizarre alien. An alien Bride in some way.
Or at least, that’s what I thought.
Then I find out that females are not paired to just one Lorvri, but several.
What is happening with my life? And how am I meant to just come to terms with all of this?
At least the Lorvri I’m assigned to seem to be nice. Guess that’s a bonus.

***This is a standalone RH alien mates romance***

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